Get Bank Details

Get the details of a bank like name, bank code, available channels, is IFSC required, is verification available, etc.

This API fetches details of a bank detail like bank name, available channels, ifsc required or not basis bank code.

Parameter available_channel can have the following values:

0allboth channels IMPS and NEFT are available for the bank
1neftonly NEFT mode is available
2impsonly IMPS mode is available

Parameter ifsc_status can have the following values:

1Bank short-code (e.g. SBIN) works for both IMPS and NEFT
2Bank short-code works for IMPS only
3System can generate logical IFSC for both IMPS and NEFT
4IFSC is required

Parameter isVerificationAvailable can have the following values:

0Bank is not available for account verification
1Bank is available for account verification

List of banks available with bank ids and bank codes is available in the following google excel sheet:
