User Services Enquiry

This API allows you to verify a user's status across different services.

Below are the status values you will receive when inquiring about a user's services:

1ActivatedService Activated for the use
2PendingUser status is pending for this service
0DeactivatedUser needs to upload the documents again using activate service API


Once the user uploads the document after the DEACTIVATED state it will go in the PENDING state.

Check for the parameter "verification_status" in the user service inquiry API. This parameter will tell you the action taken by our operations team.

Please find the values and description below for the parameter verification_status-

0Not Applicable (Not Applicable for that service, means no verification is required by the ops team for that particular service)
1Verified (Documents Verified by the ops team)
2Rejected (Rejected by the Ops team, rejection reason can be seen in comments parameter)
3Pending (Action pending from ops team)