General Queries

Where i can connect if having any issue with the integration?

You can drop an email to the integration team on with your regsitered mobile number/ Eko code, programming language that you are working on, your developer details, product(s) which you implementing and your query

What are credentials to be used for the staging environment for testing AePS?

  1. developer_key - becbbce45f79c6f5109f848acd540567
  2. Key -d2fe1d99-6298-4af2-8cc5-d97dcf46df30 (will be used to generate secret-key and secret-key-timestamp). The secret-key and secret-key-timestamp have to be generated dynamically. Refer to the link “” for the dynamic secret-key and secret-key-timestamp generation
  3. initiator_id - 9962981729

How can i integrate the AePS/ Aadhaar Pay?

There are 2 ways to integrate the AePS :

  1. AePS Gateway : Refer to the link :
  2. AePS API / Aadhar pay:

What is the process of AePS?

  • First, you need to onboard your retailer/ merchant using the Onboard user API

  • Then, activate the service for the users for AePS using the Activate service API in which you need to send the documents via API

  • Now, check for the status of the user using the user service inquiry API. Make sure that the user must be in an ACTIVATED state in order to start the transaction

  • Now, implement the AePS Gateway / AePS API as per your choice

  • Implement the AePS Fund settlement

What are the possible status that can come while doing a AePS transaction?

0Successful Transaction
1Failed transaction
2Do the transaction inquiry
Any other valueSuspicious, contact Eko

For transaction inquiry refer to :

In case of failed transaction, raise a issue on if unaware of the reason with the screenshot/ request and response

What are the limits of the transaction for AePS and Aadhar Pay?

AePS Cash-out:
₹ 10,000 per transaction
5 transactions per Aadhaar per day
Aadhar Pay:
₹ 10,000 per transaction

How can I get my live credentials?

Once you are done with the implementation, you have to share the request and response of the onboard user API, Activate service API and user service Inquiry API and the login credentials with URL with us where the AePS Gateway implementation has been done. In case you have implemented the AePS APIs then share the request and response of all the 3 transactions (cash withdarwal, mini statement and balance inquiry). Also, the requests shared should be from your server and not postman.

Technical team will do the sanity testing to check the flow and then gives you go ahead for the live credentials if everything goes right and will share the production credentials on the regsitered email id.

Sanity Testing is a required step in order to get the live credentials so as to avoid any issues on the prodiction environment and to and fro.

I am getting "Pan already exists with another merchant" error message, how can I resolve the same?

This error message comes because the merchant is already registred with Eko earlier from a diiferent mobile number, ask him to pass the same mobile number if unable to recall drop an email on with the compelete request and response of the onboard user API

I am getting "This user already exists" error message, how can I resolve the same?

This is not an error message , we have given the user_code value in the response, map the same and store it with the details in your database

I am getting "Failed!Please try again again after sometime" error message, how can I resolve the same?

Drop an email on with the complete request and response along with the timestamp and request URL so that we can check the logs and let you know the issue

I am getting "Pass the valid image of the pan card" error message, how can I resolve the same?

This error message comes when we are not getting the request correctly from your end in the form-data. Refer to the link "" to check the correct request and also try hitting the API first from the postman.

I am getting "PAN Verification Fail" error message, how can I resolve the same?

If getting message on production server then drop an email on , for the staging environment drop an email on with the complete request and response along with the timestamp and request URL so that the team can check the logs and let you know the issue

I am getting "Failed! do OTP verification first" error message while onboarding a user, how can I resolve the same?

Drop an email on or to your RM with your Eko code / Registered mobile number to suppress the OTP verification in the user onboarding flow

If the status of any user has been changed to DEACTIVATED, how can I activate it again?

Hit the activate service API again with the correct documents and the status will be changed to PENDING and then you need to check hit the user service inquiry API in order to check the updated status of the user on any service.