PAN Verification Queries

I am getting error message "PAN verification Fail", what should I do?

If getting message on prodution server then drop an email on , for the staging environment drop an email on with the complete request and response along with the timestamp and request URL so that the team can check the logs and let you know the issue

I am getting error message "Customer not allowed", what should I do?

For the staging environment use the UAT credentials only and for the production environment make sure that you must have enable the service of PAN verification for your organisation on service_code = 4. Find the sample cURL request below:

curl --location --request PUT ''
--header 'developer_key: becbbce45f79c6f5109f848acd540567'
--header 'secret-key: MC6dKW278tBef+AuqL/5rW2K3WgOegF0ZHLW/FriZQw='
--header 'secret-key-timestamp: 1516705204593'
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
--data-urlencode 'service_code=4'
--data-urlencode 'initiator_id=9971771929'
--data-urlencode 'user_code=20110001'

This is a one time activation and replace with your production credentials and in the user_code pass your Eko code provided to you

What are the UAT credentials to test PAN verification service?

  1. developer_key - becbbce45f79c6f5109f848acd540567
  2. Key - d2fe1d99-6298-4af2-8cc5-d97dcf46df30 (will be used to generate secret-key and secret-key-timestamp).The secret-key and secret-key-timestamp have to be generated dynamically. Refer to the link “” for the dynamic secret-key and secret-key-timestamp generation
  3. initiator_id - 9971771929

I am getting error message "Insufficient balance", what should I do?

Add the evalue from your connect portal in order to use the PAN veriifcation service.

Where i can connect if having any issue with the integration part?

You can drop an email to the integration team on with your regsitered mobile number/ Eko code, programming language that you are working on, your developer details, product(s) which you implementing and your query